Monday, 31 October 2016

Fancy dress on Freedom fighters

12 August 2016

Student dressed as Rani Lakshmi bai , commonly known as " Jhansi Ki Rani "


  1. Nice Article! Independence day is celebrated due to the struggle of our freedom fighters for our independence. Celebrate the 76th Independence Day of India. It is a great way to show your employees that they are an important part of the company. We bring independence day activities in officeto make this day memorable.

  2. Celebrate independence day with your co-workers! From decorating your desk to hosting a potluck, we've got you covered with many ideas for celebrating Independence Day in the office! Show your patriotism and get in the holiday spirit with these fun ideas. Read more for a list of Office Best Independence Day Activities that will make your co-workers say, "Wow, I didn't know we could do that at work!"
